Monday, July 31, 2017

Missionary Stories 3

this is the 3rd and final part of the email here is one more picture of my area and then a picture of the painting and name of the painter. anyway things are great here and i cant wait to here back from you guys i love all of you to one degree or another. and i hope that things are OK over in the united states. oh and one more thing mother? can you send me the picture of me on the sailboat from scout camp the one where i am standing leaning up against the cable dad will know which one i am talking about. any way i love you all once again stay safe and i will do the same. till next week i bid you all farewell.

Missionary Stories 2

the next is my other teacher he was great. then a picture of the progress on the temple here in Durban. we are not allowed to proselyte in that area due to the fact that they are all really rich huge gates outside and we probably wouldn't get in even if we tried. now the elder couple in our area cracked a really funny joke. so what color are the temples in the united states. at which point we all responded white. and he turned around and said well this is Africa. its black meaning it was currently in the process of the concrete getting sealed with tar so yes it is black. the next picture is another one but this temple was built strangely they did most of the landscaping before so you can see the line of palm trees leading up to the temple. the next one is for Tim Dan and family so mom can you make sure that they get this? you guys will never guess who i ran into!!! elder dehile i think that that is correct spelling however he says that he grew up with you guys and he said to say hello from him that is the fourth picture here. then second to last is a picture of the area that i am working i work the townships of durban so the poor side and it is great just like in the scriptures how the poor are humbled and desire to recive the true gospel these people are really taking it seriously.

MTC Teacher

The progress on the Durban Temple

Elder Dehile from Idaho Falls

Townships of Durban

Missionary Stories

things are great in south Africa the people are really friendly and the work is great. i ran into a few creatures including hawdedaw's monkeys these weird mo hock birds and my companion. just kidding he is great he enjoys everything outdoors just like me oh and dad  he also does triathlons. i haven't been jumped or robbed although there was one guy that came up to us and said that we should be careful. there is a very pretty picture that i would like to have if you can find it mom it is the one with the fisherman in the background it will be at the end of the next email. so mom you remember how i said that the taxi drivers in la where crazy. that was a lie here the mission calls them maniacs behind the wheel. they are absolutely nuts and as for laws they dont care. the elder with the glasses sitting on his bed is the elder that is in the band the next is a a picture of my first companion. mom wanted a picture of name tags so here it is these 8 where in the first transfer they are paired up with their companions..then the temple in Johannesburg. and one of my two teachers.

My first companion

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Email from Mission President's Wife

We are so excited to have your son join us in Durban! President Thompson and I picked up all 14 missionaries yesterday. Given the large number, we brought four cars to fit everyone (including the mission van). 

This group of missionaries have been the most impressive we have received in the year we have been serving. Thank you for raising such a faithful young man!

We have a missionary blog where I have posted photos of our meeting and first day together.  You can see photos of your missionary at:

Feel free to share the blog with family and friends. We welcome comments on the blog as well.

We had the BEST testimony meeting (to date) last night with these wonderful new missionaries! All fourteen shared their feelings, and the spirit was strong.

They also received their first assignment last night, and this morning most have met their new companions. Elder Whiting has been assigned to the Berea area, not far from the mission office! It's growing and a great area to serve! 

The people here are prepared to hear the gospel, and those who are already members are extremely faithful and committed! Some walk 13 kilometers to church every Sunday! They are extremely articulate when they bear testimony - it is such an honor and blessing to be among these faithful people of South Africa.

If you should ever have any concerns or questions, feel free to email me.

Best wishes,

Sister Thompson

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Special Note from the South Africa MTC President's Wife

Brother and Sister Whiting,

Just a quick note to let you know how grateful we are for your son these past weeks at the MTC.   Even though he is quiet, he is obedient and humble.  He has played the piano for us at devotional.  More importantly, he is very loving and has a very strong Spirit about him and the Lord loves him and so do we.  A fine young man like your son doesn’t happen by accident.  It is obvious that you are wonderful parents and you have sent out “one of the very best.” 
In fact, the only thing wrong with him is that he will be leaving next week!  Then we will be like you and missing him very muchJ.


Sister and President Ashton SAMTC


the mtc has been great my companion racado is from zim  (zimbabwe) and my current companion elder ratchicopa is from petoria. the food is great the lessons are still slow cant wait to actually get out of the compound. everyone calls it that because of the walls that are around us. they include everything that a prison compound has from a security guard to that classic slinky barbed wire to spikes on top of bars. we arent allowed outside of it other than when we are in the van on the way to the temple at which point we are in yet another walled compound. yes there is barbed wire around the sides and back the front is a spiked fence and the sides and back are electric. i am used to the food and the climate here is like the fall back home occasional rain and cool. I Have been blessed with many expierences. some of the teachers are crazy but you get used to them. my companion tells me that i have lost my american accent and now my accent is more south african. my missionary training center president just peaked in and said to say hi to everyone from him. Micah i am so happy that i get something that you didnt in the mtc. i am able to talk to the presidant at any point that i want did you get that? once again if you know anyone that might want this email share my contact and i will try to include them in the list or tell my mom and they can be a part of hers. i hope that all of you see the blessings. count them. and know that you are loved. i wont be able to contact you for the next 10 to 14 days because i will be on a plane on the next preperation day. love you guys and see you then.

Elder Whiting

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


ii  hhaavvee  jjuusstt  bbeeeenn  iinnffoorrmmeedd  tthhaatt  ii  sshhoouullddeenntt  sseenndd  ppiiccttuurreess  rriigghhtt  nnooww  dduuee  ttoo  tteecchhnniiccoollooggyy  bbeeiinngg  iinn  tthhee  ddaarrkk  aaggeess  hhoowweevveerr  aannddyy  ii  ffoouunndd  aannootthheerr  bbaannddyy  tthhaatt  iiss  aallssoo  aa  ttrroommbboonnee  ppllaayyeerr  tthhiinnggss  aarree  ggooiinngg  ggrreeaatt  hheerree  ii  mmiissss  aallll  ooff  yyoouu  aanndd  iiff  aannyyoonnee  ddoosseenntt  ggeett  tthhiiss  tthhaatt  wwaannttss  iitt  jjuusstt  tteellll  tthheemm  hhooww  ttoo  ccoonnttaacctt  mmee  aanndd  ii  wwiillll  aadddd  tthheemm  ttoo  tthhee  lliisstt  wweellll  uunnttiillll  nneexxtt  wweeeekk  ii  ssiigghhnn  ooffff


"I have just been informed that I shouldn't send pictures right now due to technology being in the dark ages.  However, Andy I found another Andy that is also a trombone player.  Things are going great here.  I miss all of you and if anyone doesn't get this that wants it just tell them how to contact me and I will add them to the list.  Well, until next week I sign off."