ii hhaavvee jjuusstt bbeeeenn
iinnffoorrmmeedd tthhaatt ii sshhoouullddeenntt
sseenndd ppiiccttuurreess rriigghhtt nnooww
dduuee ttoo tteecchhnniiccoollooggyy bbeeiinngg
iinn tthhee ddaarrkk aaggeess hhoowweevveerr
aannddyy ii ffoouunndd aannootthheerr bbaannddyy
tthhaatt iiss aallssoo aa ttrroommbboonnee
ppllaayyeerr tthhiinnggss aarree ggooiinngg
ggrreeaatt hheerree ii mmiissss aallll ooff
yyoouu aanndd iiff aannyyoonnee ddoosseenntt
ggeett tthhiiss tthhaatt wwaannttss iitt
jjuusstt tteellll tthheemm hhooww ttoo
ccoonnttaacctt mmee aanndd ii wwiillll
aadddd tthheemm ttoo tthhee lliisstt
wweellll uunnttiillll nneexxtt wweeeekk ii
ssiigghhnn ooffff
"I have just been informed that I shouldn't send pictures right now due to technology being in the dark ages. However, Andy I found another Andy that is also a trombone player. Things are going great here. I miss all of you and if anyone doesn't get this that wants it just tell them how to contact me and I will add them to the list. Well, until next week I sign off."
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