Monday, December 3, 2018

so my memory card...

um so here it is i didnt have my memory card this week i loned it to a member to pull the pictues off of it and i left it at their house so no pictures this week sadly. this week was interesting ran into a few drunk people that had interesting things to say one of them started talking to us and as soon as he saw the badges his eyes whent huge and he was like "you one of them Jesus followers!!!" at which point we said yes we belive in Christ and his responce i thought would be leave me alone instead he said "can you help me?" so we are teaching him now and he is really interesting. i love it out here and i think that the thing that has changed the most (because this was the most asked question last year about this time) would be my faith/patience in it  see things dont happen immediatly even if we want it. faith is like a tool ment to be tested by the winds of time not a one time use. we need to try it see what it can do and then we find out miricles.. well i love you all and cant wait to talk to you soon...
Elder Whiting,
Image result for south africa durban mission

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